Thursday, January 17, 2013

No one can keep it up EVERY day...

So on this particular evening, Lily actually takes a nap on Mommy in her nursery chair.  The great thing about this is that it's around 7:30 or so when this photo is taken.  A time Daddy and Mommy (not so) fondly refer to as "The Witching Hour."

During The Witching Hour, you just never know what's going to upset little Lily.  Could be fatigue.  Could be hunger.  Could be the wrong toy.  Could be a piece of lint.

Pretty much could be anything.

And Daddy and Mommy are always happy when The Witching Hour ends and they can move into Happy Baby Bath Time, which they strongly prefer.

(Lily's face looks overexposed b/c it was blessedly dark in the nursery at the time.)  ; )

Snug as a bug in a rug!

Or in a swaddle blanket.  Whichever the case may be.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Baby loves Betty Beads!

Another oh-so-creative toy name...  Meet Miss Betty Beads!

I don't know - she just looked like a Betty.

Lily loves her, and she just getting to where she grabs for her more and gives her a little shake.

Thank you Aunt Karyn, Uncle Jerry, Cousin Tyler, Cousin Brendan and Cousin Blayne!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lily had a little lamb

Here's Lily's first intro to her lovie, Lambie the Lamb (we are so creative), from Uncle Russell, Aunt Dianne, Cousin Charles and Cousin Thomas.

If you listen closely, you can hear her answer "uh huh" when Mommy asks her a question.  Total coincidence, of course, but still pretty funny!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Later that same day...

Happy girl in her chair!

... and NOT in her chair!  Little Bit loooooves to "stand up!'

Sleepy little angel

And look how looooonnnnng that angel's getting!  : )

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A study in self portaits

We took a self-picture to send to Daddy while he was at work.

And then he asked Mommy to give Lily a kiss for him...

So she did!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mrs. Green Jeans

Does anyone remember Mr. Green Jeans from Captain Kangaroo?  I fear his street name might have been Chester Molester, and he's probably driving an ice cream truck somewhere now if he's still alive...

I must say that Miss Lily wears her green so much better!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

You've got the cutest little baby face!

Aside from Mommy's horrible picture-taking skills, in which she never takes light exposure into account, 2 super cute face shots!  : )

Stylin' profilin'!

Look at this cutie patootie outfit from Aunt Sharon!  Lily matches her nursery when she wears this, so it's kind of like Baby Camo.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lily takes a nap in her glider

Okay...  You have to forgive the no make up and scraggly hair thing.  But what a cute picture of baby girl napping!